There are two ways of setting up your Firm Library:
Materials Hub Concierge: A dedicated Acelab team supports your onboarding and implementation, including setting up the firm library for you.
Self-Implementation: You build your Firm Library at your own pace, with the resources and guidance we provide you.
This article focuses on the Self-Implementation process.
To check whether your firm qualifies for Materials Hub Concierge, check out this article instead.
How to Create a Firm Library?
Note: The steps to create a Firm Library are very similar to the process of creating a New Project since the Firm Library is a special kind of project.
Click on Projects in the left-side menu
Click on Set Up Firm Library
Select Create Blank Project
The Project Name is already added
We recommend keeping the name Firm Library, but you are able to change it if needed
Leave Project ID blank
Adding Project ID helps identify and organize projects, but it is usually not relevant for Firm Library
Hit Create Project
Your library has been created and you've been directed to it's Project Info page
You may add a Description and Documents
The ability to add documents is very helpful when working in projects. For Firm Libraries this options is usually not relevant.
Inviting Team Members
If you went through the steps to set up your company in Acelab, you might have already invited collaborators. All team members added to your company have access to the Firm Library, so they will be listed in the Team section.
If you have not yet invited collaborators, click Add a Collaborator
How to Add Products to your Library
The process of adding products to your library is essentially the same process as adding products to a Project. All products added to a project - and to the Firm Library - are organized in the Schedules.
1. Refer to your firm's existing material
Check past submittals or any material schedule files your firm has completed, and use it as a guide.
2. Find Products in Acelab
Search for the product in our database. If we have the product, you will be able to add it to the Firm Library and all the publicly available information about the product will be automatically included.
If the product is not yet available in our database, you'll be able to add a Placeholder product. You will need to add any details and information you need about the product.
The easiest way to find specific products is to search by Manufacturer:
Click on Product Search, then Manufacturers in the left-side menu
An alphabetical list of manufacturers will be provided
Use the filters to the left to narrow down to a particular product category, if needed
Click on the Manufacturer to select it
Click on the Products tab to browse all the products from the brand
3. Save Products to the Firm Library
Click on the product to open the product’s page
Click the Save&Compare button in the lower right corner
Select Firm Library
4. See Products in Schedules
Note: All products saves to the Firm Library will be added to Schedules. To learn more about Schedules, check out these articles.
Click on Schedules in the left-side menu
Make sure Firm Library is selected in the drop-down menu
Products will be displayed in their own schedule. To see and select different schedules, use the drop-down menu at the top
Note: The schedules and the information about each product have been added automatically.
5. Add Placeholder Products
If a product is not yet available on our database, add a placeholder product in Schedules.
Click on the '+' sign at the bottom of the product list and choose Add Placeholder
Complete all the information you have about the product, including: Manufacturer, Product Name, Product URL, and an image
You may request to have this product added to our database by checking the Missing Product box
Click Add Product. The product with the information you added will appear in your Firm Library.
Since the product is not in Acelab's database, all cells for the different fields will be empty.
You may add product information in Custom Fields and some Default Fields.
6. Customize Your Firm Library Schedules
Use the Sort and Height options at the top bar to customize how products are displayed
The other customization options are less relevant to Firm Library
Click on the '+' sign to the right of the last column header to Add fields (columns)
For Firm Libraries, we recommend adding:
Project Type
Used In Projects
Note: Some of these are Custom Fields and some of these are Default Fields. To learn more about adding and editing fields, check out these articles.
What next?
You've created your library, started to add products and customize it.
This means you are ready to add products from your library to projects!
To keep your Firm Library updated, we recommend adding/removing products as you/your team acquires new product knowledge.
📚 Keep Learning 📚
Next: Creating a New Project