When creating a Custom Field type in Schedules, you must add a name and select a field type: text, list, number, or attachment. You may change the name and the field type later. However, changing field types may have some implications to your data.
How to Edit Custom Field Types
Click the down arrow next to the Custom Field header, and choose Edit Field.
Choose what to edit. Here are some things you can do:
Add a new name
Select a new field type (see below the implications to your data)
Change the behavior of the field (e.g. toggle on/off the option for multi-select).
If working with a List field, add, remove, or rename options and change their color
If working with a Number field, change the Decimal formatting
Implications When Changing Field Types
Below is the list of changes and the implications that occur:
Number ➝ Text: Converts the numbers to text
For Multi-Entry Fields: numbers become a comma separated list of values
Number ➝ Attachment: Deletes all values
Number ➝ List: Changes all values to list options
For Multi-Entry Fields: every value becomes an option
List ➝ Text: Converts the list options to text
For Multi-Entry Fields: list becomes a comma separated list of values
List ➝ Attachment: Deletes all values
List ➝ Number: Deletes all values
Text ➝ List: Deletes all values
Text ➝ Number: Deletes all values
Text ➝ Attachment: Deletes all values
Attachment ➝ List: Deletes all values
Attachment ➝ Number: Deletes all values
Attachment ➝ Text: Deletes all values
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