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Saving a Product Search

How to save your search results for optimal results

Updated yesterday

Saving searches with specific naming conventions or to certain projects can help keep your team organized.

Saving a Search

After a search has been completed, on Product Advisor Result Page, there is an option to save the search to a specific location with a specific name. Click on the EXPORT & SHARE button on right of the toolbar to save the search.

The first pop-up will confirm the project you want to save search to. By default it will be the current project you have search for but it give you flexibility to save to other project as well.

The project Dropdown will provide a variety of options on where to save the search. Read about each option below.

General Research

  • A General Research folder is created for each user upon sign-up. This folder is best used for broad research and exploration.

Firm Library

  • Your firm's digital library can be thought of as the firm's cannon of knowledge. It is your Library of Alexandria. Saving the search to this folder would imply that the search results would be helpful for the entire firm to see. While you can save searches to the Firm Library, the best practice recommendation would be to only save products.

Project (ex: Button Street)

  • Saving a search to a specific project is particularly helpful for organization and collaboration. Saving a search to a project will allow you and your collaborators to all view the search and then continue to refine choices.

When click on Save Search, it will ask to name the search. The recommendation is to be as specific as possible in naming the search. For example, 'Exterior Doors' is helpful but even more helpful would be 'Exterior Doors | Patio' or 'Exterior Doors | Front Door'. You could also add the coordinating tag from your drawing set to keep things even more organized. Such as 'Exterior Door | Front | A-D-01'. Give the search a name and select 'Continue'.

Once you have entered name and continue, a final pop-up will show letting you know the save was successful and let you know where you can now find the saved search.

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