Check out these articles for more information on how to start a conversation:
Find your Conversations
Acelab makes it easy to organize and track ongoing conversations with Product Reps or Acelab's team of experts.
Project conversations
Conversations are stored in the Conversations page within the project they were saved.
Navigate to the project you want
Click on the Conversations button on the left-side menu
All conversations
To see all conversations across all projects, click the View All Conversations button from a project conversation page
Click the message icon next to your profile photo on the top right-hand corner
Reply to a Conversation
Click on a conversation to:
See who is included in the conversation
What project details have been shared (if anything is wrong or missing, go to the Project Info page to correct it)
Read any responses you got
Reply and continue the conversation
Mute a Conversation
To Mute/Unmute conversations, locate the conversation on your Conversations page
Click on the bell icon next to the conversation
Click on the conversation to open it
Click the Mute/Unmute button at the bottom of the page
Note: If you Mute a conversation, you will not receive any notifications when you get responses. You will need to get back to the conversation to check whether you received a response.